Board Game - Ridiculous Tails

An improvisational card game that takes place in a world with anthropomorphic animals.


Each round, players take on the role of a different animal and must work together to treat each other in a ridiculous manner.

Players are divided into two roles: the main actor and secondary actors. The objective of the main actor is to guess what animal they are and the description for what they are being discriminated against. Secondary actors will have the role of acting out scenes and providing clues to help this process. Throughout the process, if the main actor guesses their identity, they win! Otherwise, the secondary actors are rewarded points based on how well their performance was. This continues over many rounds.

Designed by Francesca Palamara, Dan Qiao and Xin Ye.

Example Identity Cards

 Board Game - Road Trip

A family board game that play as a taking a road trip on Route 66. Inspired by Up the River.


Your goal is to get the caravan of your MANY family members to the end of the route at Santa Monica with enough money to pay for parking and before the other players take all the parking spots! 

All players start with 3 cars and a family vacation fund of $50 per player. Your goal is to get as many of your cars to the campsite parking spaces — but there are only 5 spaces and parking costs $30! You’ve got to get to those spots before the other families and make sure you have enough money for each parking pass. The ultimate goal is to get as many cars to the Ticket Booth spot as possible with enough money to pay the $30 parking fee for each car. The game ends when all the parking spaces are full, or until all cars are off the board.

Designed by Maddie Emery, Ralston Louie and Xin Ye.

Example Cards
